Monday, April 12, 2010


Welcome To Bangkok!

The Royal Family
Inside Palace Grounds
A Great Smile & Wave!
My Last Night On The Town
A Night To Remember!

Life On The River

River Crocodiles
Next To My Boat
Long Tail Boat
This was the boat I used for travel up river to my final destination

King Cobra

Around Town

My Day Driver

Tuk Tuk
One minute you might be riding in a Tuk Tuk and the next in a Rolls Royce. That's my Bangkok!

Pat Pong Street
I'll not explain Pat Pong here. This was a hands free drawing on a bar top by a very creative lady. I'll not mention what she used to hold the pen but I'm sure it came from years of practice in her profession.

Lucy's Tiger Den
A Legend
Lucy's was one of my favorite stops whenever I was in Bangkok. The place was run by "Tiger" Rydberg and his wife "Lucy" who was the original owner. Over the years, Tiger and Lucy have introduced me to some of the most interesting people in the world including "Tony Poe". Tony was a legend among Marines and CIA. You can read about him on Wiki. I have talked to some people who knew "Tony" on the job and they have shared some great photos and stories about this remarkable man. I spoke with his daughter in San Francisco where he lived and sent flowers just before he died there.

If you were with Air America during Vietnam, you knew Tiger and Lucy. This was a favorite watering hole for a variety of interesting people including spies, mercenaries, military, and a few other usual suspects from around the world that I had an opportunity to work with over the years. I had an opportunity to visit with Tiger on my last trip to Bangkok and we both knew it would probably be the last time we met because he was already pretty frail and in a wheelchair. He gave me this signed record as a memento which was obviously important to me since I still have it after all of these years.

This is a video clip of my last day in Bangkok.