Friday, April 16, 2010


This was my security team in the Philippines back in the 80s. The team was made up from members of the military and constabulary which is their national police.  My personal body guard was a captain and carried a "cocked" 45 Auto in his wasteband under his shirt. I saw him pull it one time when a guy got close. It was out and aimed in a "heartbeat". The others carried small black handbags to conceal their weapons. Full auto assault weapons were kept in all three vehicles. We traveled from Manila to our meeting destination and then on to Baguio, Olongapo and Angeles.
My host plantation looked like something out of Gone With The Wind. Huge olympic size outdoor pool, everything beautifully landscaped, lighting and sound everywhere you decided to walk. It is completely hidden by the jungle and a non-discript solid metal gate at the edge of the jungle road. They have a completely  separate building as a dining area like a five star hotel and a separate building as a guest cottage for visitors. My host also owns his own private island with a golf course where he used to play golf with visitors from around the world  including Ronald Reagan.

This is the building next to the main house which is used for indoor and outdoor dining. Of  course service  and  all of  the appointments are what you would expect in a Ritz Carlton keeping in mind that this  is  a private residence.

A beautifully landscaped lighted path  for moving around the plantation.

Beautiful handmade bridges over all of the  waterways on the plantation.

More views around the plantation.
Back out on the road but slowing down for a couple Caribou water buffalo.
Took a rest at Subic Bay and had lunch. This is where the photo of the security team was taken. By this time I felt comfortable asking if I could take the picture with the understanding that no one else had access to it. this is the first time in 30 years that it has been made available. If you notice the expression on the lady in the background of that photo with her hand up to her face you will understand that she knew these guys were not tour guides for the American.

More Subic Bay with people enjoying the beach and water.

We were in one of these huts for the photo.
Back in Manila!
Along Manila Bay
The Jeepney is a popular means of public transportation. After the war, a lot of jeeps were sold to to filipinos who customized them with wild colors and decorations and used them for public transportation.
Last stop! U.S. Embassy

Last night on the town with new body guard and driver. He knows everyplace and conceivable point of interest in Manila. What is more important is that people know him so there is no question about where we get in and where we sit. 

More photos being edited and in process of posting!