This marble paperweight was given to me by the base commander as a momento to remember my introduction to the F-15 Eagle program.

This is another visit to another underground command center. Over a period of 13 years, I visited all of the underground command centers around the kingdom and long range radar installations.

Just another meeting to brief on pending activity. Meetings were conducted all over the kingdom including any place that had a military site and included a wide variety of participants including government and military officials and a full range of other U.S. and Saudi government agencies.
After hours meeting at a private facility in Riyadh.
Another meeting at the edge of the Persian Gulf. Of course in Saudi Arabia, they call it the Arabian Gulf. Iran is just over the horizon. I was at a base in Dhahran when the base went on alert and they launched to intercept to Iranian fighters inbound. A friend and I were in process of going back to Riyadh and there was a lot of activity in the air.
A meeting with the medical team to have plans in place in the event of crisis development.
A meeting with the Saudi involved in keeping track of all the planned events to assure that everyone is accounted for and if someone is missing to find out where they are 24/7. This is the go to guy for most things that need to be done on base.
This is the guy who acts as a liaison for any meetings with Saudi Officials.
This is the entrance to my living compound while inco. These sites later became prime terrorist targets because they housed Americans.
This is a typical house furnished and decorated just like any home in the U.S. I usually had a large houst to myself when in kingdom.
The compound had a very nice tennis court close to my house so I enjoyed playing tennis at night. We also had a huge olympic swimming pool.
First time I saw this guy outside my house I wasn't sure what his game plan was but it soon became clear that he was just the grounds keeper.
I was told that the king built these highrise apartments in Riyadh so the people living in the desert could have a place to live but they were empty because the people in the desert liked their remote life just the way it was. I don't know if they ever got anyone to move into them.
Drive down the road and you"ll see a modern building on one side and a camel in the desert on the other.
Saudi Arabia has their own grand canyon. You can go from 130 in the desert to up in the mountains where it gets downright cold. I discovered that one day on a trip up to a remote radar installation.
This is a huge canyon!
You can barely see a road thousands of feet below.
We drove for ever to get to this remote place and when we looked around we saw these two guys just hanging out at the edge of the cliff. No idea where they came from or what they were doing and they probably thought the same about us wondering what these crazy Americans are up to.
This way to Makkah (Mecca)
You will definately enjoy this link to the Saudi Camel Race.
It is the Kentucky Derby of Saudi Arabia!
It is the Kentucky Derby of Saudi Arabia!